As a psychologist I know only too well the toll suicide takes on families. Suicide of a loved one is perhaps the most tragic of tragedies that beset a family.

I recently attended Spectrum three-day training program on Metallisation Base Therapy (MDT). I had previously trained Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), MBT provides another strategy for preventing suicide and, for that matter, self-harm.

More generally, MBT is a treatment for people with personality disorders and Borderline Personality Disorder in particular.

I am a big fan of both DBT and MBT.

How is MBT different from DBT?

This is difficult to answer in a couple of sentences. But here goes!

MBT and DBT use different approaches to bringing about change in a person’s life. DBT is more behaviourally based so teaches skills help people manage their emotions (eg TIP, Check the Facts etc) or to help them change the behaviour of other people eg DEARMAN.

MBT encourages understanding or insight into their own behaviour and the behaviour of others. Behaviour changer occurs because of that insight.

It follows the classic divide in psychology between the behavioural/cognitive approaches vs the more psychodynamic approaches.